Non-skilled college education
Cover 50% of tuition, books and bus fare expenses.
Skilled/ vocational education/ training
Cover 100% of tuition, books and bus fare expenses.
Tuition for Govt. primary school students
Higher education beneficiary students teaches primary school students for 1 and 1/2 hour every Sunday free of charge. Student with 100% attendance receive Rupees 100/month credit with which they can choose to buy shoes, clothes etc.
Financial help to the needy
Monthly grant to the widows, families with handicap children, old age persons with no siblings and families with extreme hardships.
Insurance coverage
Pay premium for the following Govt. schemes
Cover head of the family for disability/accidental death benefit of Rupees 5 Lakh. (Under PMSBY)
Health Insurance coverage for BPL families (Under RSBY).
Crop Insurance for 2 acres or lesser, if available.
Unique BENEFITS of our partnering with
BHAI JAITA JEE FOUNDATION: Selects 10th grade brilliant students from poor families, specially from rural areas, brings them to Chandigarh, mentor and prepare them for entry into India’s prestigious educational institutions and make sure these students graduate without financial burden.
INTERNATIONAL SIKH CONFEDERATION: They specializing in securing scholarships for minority students for higher education like Sikhs, Christians and other minorities.
Friends Of Punjab Foundation will guide rural poor students to tap the above resources.